Database Engines

Database Engines

Database engine sometimes called storage engine, is the core software part that a database management system (DBMS) uses to perform CRUD, create, read, update and delete, operations.

The DBMS commonly include an integrated application programming interface (API).

The API allows the user to interact with their underlying engine without going through the user interface of the DBMS.

Types of storage engines in MySQL:

  • Transactional
  • Non- transactional.

Selecting the best storage Engine has an impact on the development of a product. Storage engines supported are:

MyISAM, the default storage engine for MySQL, it is fast and supports table-level locking. It is mostly used in data web and warehousing.

InnoDB replaces MyISAM– MySQL,it is the most common storage engine used with transaction support. It supports crash recovery,row-level locking, and multi-version concurrency control and supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) properties.

TokuDB is open-source with high-performance storage engine for MariaDB and MySQL.

Falcon – Network infrastructure database Engine